Raga fee module

The fee charged by Raga consists of three parts:

  1. OnboardingFee: This fee is charged from users whenever they deposit on the Raga native yield contract. It’ll be a portion of funds deposited by the user.

  2. WithdrawalFee: This fee is charged from users whenever they withdraw on Raga native yield contract. It’ll be a portion of funds withdrawn by the user.

  3. ManagementFee: This fee is charged from the rewards earned as a management fee for executing strategies, sending rewards to the protocol and rebalancing the assets in the deposit contract.

This is implemented in Raga Fee contract. It looks like:

contract NexusFee{
    uint256 public onboardingFee=0;
    uint256 public withdrawalFee=0;
    uint256 public maintenanceFee=0;
    function changeFee(uint256 _onboardingFee,uint256 _withdrawalFee,uint256 _maintenanceFee) external;
    function collectFee(address _tokenAddress,uint256 _value) external payable;

Initially all the fees will be zero and overtime the Raga DAO will define how the fees should be charged

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